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Keys to Success

The More Things Change

By January 23, 2022November 15th, 2022No Comments
blue man among gray men

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Ever since the internet exploded onto the scene, communication has been in an amazing state of flux–constantly changing, evolving, and growing. As soon as online video became viable without the roadblock of limited bandwidth, there really was no longer anything to hold advertisers back.

The amazing evolution of advertising in the past 6-8 years has been remarkable; new ways to locate, track, and engage the audience seem to enter the fray almost daily. For a brief time with each new innovation, there is a window of golden opportunity to be at the forefront and grab audience share before everyone else catches up.

But that brings me to my point: eventually, everyone does catch up (if the new medium/method is effective). Everyone eventually jumps or treads into the deep end of the new pool. And this results in the same glut every medium that has ever existed encounters: advertisers must compete for attention in a crowded marketplace. This has been and will always be the case. 

The challenge will always be to find new ways to stand out from the crowd. Don’t be fooled by the amazing specificity of digital communications. Yes, you can pinpoint your target audience down to individuals and reach them directly. But today’s consumers are so overwhelmed by the constant barrage of messages that follow them like a personal stalker that they have learned to tune many (if not most) of them out. Hence, my point.

New media and methods are great. Being able to pinpoint your audience with precision is wonderful. But if you don’t put sufficient emphasis on ensuring your audience listens, hears, and engages with your message, the medium or method will quickly lose its luster. 

At Genesis, we always believe in standing out from the crowd. Contact us today to see how we can do the same for you.